Saturday, April 18, 2009

Every Canadian Must Learn Money Managment

I remember read a line from one investor's blog:"you do not have to have a good decent pay job to generate wealth, manage your money wisely can also get you there".
Whenever I think about the word 'financial freedom', first thing came to mind is I must have enough money in my account to cover all my expenses. But the true question is how can I have enough money? most of people would then say 'get a decent job, get more pay, and save hard, then you will have plenty siting at your account'! What most people don't realize is when you make more, your expenses will also go up! You will want a better car, a bigger house, and extra clothing allowance, dinning-out, etc.
But is saving and cut-back the 'extras' the final solution to this?
The author for [Rich Dad Poor Dad] said "some wealthy people gave rich a such bad reputation because they been so cheap!" What's the point of been rich if you are not willing or can't spend a dime and enjoy life?
Do you ever wonder why there are more Canadians in their 30s and still living with parents? Because of lot of them still don't know how to manage what they make and spend all the way!
It's never too early or too late to learn about money management. Learn how to save wisely, and spend wisely. I wish they even offer this money management course in HS.
Money management a life time survival kit you will never regret to learn.

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